Who We Are — The Global Microfinance Foundation

Who We Are


GMF members meeting to discuss upcoming projects. Photographer: Thomas Runnells

GMF members meeting to discuss upcoming projects. Photographer: Thomas Runnells

The Global Microfinance Foundation starts, very simply, with an idea. Born out of the minds of high school students Aiden Johnson, Peter Salvino, and Johnny Mullen, this idea is to achieve social change that goes beyond the traditional scope of charity.

From the start, the goal was to charitably fulfill the global need for sustainable economic relief. The answer came in the form of microfinance; an arrangement which supplies entrepreneurs in under-developed nations access with much needed capital.

The GMF Logo. Artist: Meredith Kisla

The GMF Logo. Artist: Meredith Kisla

In September of 2013, Johnson, Salvino, and Mullen approached some of their fellow students and peers with the hopes of creating a microfinance club. Once formed, the club made a few small loans but they quickly seized opportunities to expand further. After working to develop an independent organization, in the Spring of 2014, the Global Microfinance Foundation was created. 

GMF members at a meeting after funding a microloan. Photographer: Brian O'Neill

GMF members at a meeting after funding a microloan. Photographer: Brian O'Neill

Today the GMF is made up of over 30 volunteers, mostly young men and women, who are dedicated to helping those in need around the world. Every aspect of the GMF is controlled by the young men and women who volunteer their time to help the GMF thrive.

The GMF continues to expand and welcome new members. With your support, it can continue to impact the lives of those in need around the world.